Friday, February 12, 2010


you'll be free, child, once you've died
free from the shackles of language and measurable time
and then we can trade places, play musical graves

I "learned" in AP Lit that repetition adds emphasis to poetry. What a steaming pile of bullshit. Maybe it holds true if your words are so pathetic that they need to be said over and over again to be remembered, but actual poets are good at perfectly stringing words together into the most delicately perfect structures. "Repetition adds emphasis and develops a poem." Fuck off, you're wrong.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

External Link

I don't like the URL I gave this blog, really.

This is a substantially more reliable source of my regular musical musings for those who are interested.

I'll likely return to this blog in the future, but for now, I recommend following the non-linear path of online reading.